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In-depth: PostHog vs Mixpanel

Dec 22, 2022

Want to know how PostHog and Mixpanel are different? If you remember nothing else, remember these two points:

  1. Mixpanel is a product analytics tool.

  2. PostHog is an all-in-one Product OS that includes product analytics and a whole bunch more.

How is PostHog different to Mixpanel?

1. PostHog does more than product analytics

Product analytics is a core part of our platform, but it's just one cog in a suite of vital tools for product and data teams. When you adopt PostHog you also get session recording (with console logs), feature flagging, A/B and multivariate testing, and customizable data pipelines – all seamlessly integrated.

2. It's built for engineers

Anyone can use PostHog – just ask our marketing team – but it's designed for engineers first. We believe engineering-led companies are the future of tech and that requires tools that let engineers flex their product muscles.

3. We're an open book

PostHog is built on transparency. Our product is open source and released under an MIT License. You can read our source code, raise your own issues and PRs, and build apps atop PostHog to support custom data flows. Anyone can read or comment on our public roadmap.

This guide compares Mixpanel's self-serve Growth plan with PostHog Cloud. Features available on other plans are marked as such.

Feature comparison



Product analytics

Track events and conversion; analyze user behavior

Session replay

Watch real users use your product; diagnose bugs

Feature flags

Roll out features safely; toggle features for cohorts or individuals


Test changes and analyze their impact


User surveys

Ask users for qualitative feedback and gather responses


Track where users click and why

Event pipelines

Push and pull data to enrich customer profiles

Open source

Build your own apps and contribute code

  • Experiments: Mixpanel offers an experiments feature in its Enterprise plan, but it's limited to running simple A/B tests. PostHog's experimentation suite supports A/B and multivariate tests using our integrated feature flagging. Visit our experimentation product page for more info.

  • Feature flagging: Mixpanel doesn't have any built-in feature flag functionality. PostHog Cloud includes unlimited flags for free. Visit our feature flag page for more information.

  • Session replays: PostHog offers 15,000 session replays (with console logs) per month for free. Visit our session replays page for more information.

Further reading: How Mixpanel compares to other PostHog alternatives

Product analytics


Graphs and trends

Build custom insights and visualizations


Combine insights into shareable dashboards


Understand conversion between events, pages


Combine users based on properties and events for group analysis

User paths

Track user flows and where they drop-off


Analyze user and revenue retention

UTM tracking

Track marketing campaigns with UTM tags

Correlation analysis

Suggested events and properties that lead to success or failure

Group analytics

Understand how organizations use your product


Use custom formulas to calculate unique insights

Query editor

Write your own queries in SQL

  • Correlation analysis: When viewing a funnel in PostHog, correlation analysis automatically suggests events and properties that correlate to success or failure. We use transparent, testable statistical models – no phony "AI" here.

  • Query editor: Mixpanel doesn't support SQL queries, instead opting for its own query language, JQL (JavaScript Query Language). PostHog's SQL query editor is currently in development.

Ready to find out more?

Tracking & SDKs

PostHog and Mixpanel both support a broad range of tracking options and libraries, and manual event instrumentation. But PostHog also supports event autocapture, so you don't have to manually instrument all your events to track them,


Event tracking

Track manually instrumented events


Automatically track events without instrumentation

Combined events

Track related events as a single trackable action or behavior

Reverse proxy available

Send events from your own domain to capture more data

Cross-domain tracking

Track users across domains and sub-domains

Server-side tracking

Send events from your server

Capture API

Send events through an API

Why autocapture?

Mixpanel, like Amplitude, forces you to manually instrument every event you want to track. That means you can only create queries based on events you've chosen to track in advance. Every time you think of something new to track, you then need to wait for the data.

Autocapture eliminates this tedious process. Just deploy our snippet and we'll do the hard work. In doing so, you're creating a powerful dataset you can call upon whenever you need it. Autocapture is ideal for fast moving teams who want to ship code product improvements quickly.

Some would have you believe that autocapture generates "too much data" that's hard to deal with. Our answer?

To quote Tony Stark: “An intelligence agency which fears intelligence is, historically, not awesome.”

Client libraries



Recommended for full PostHog functionality

React Native

Session recording not available


Event tracking and user identification only

iOS (Swift)

Autocapture and session replays not available

iOS (Objective-C)

Autocapture and session replays not available


Event tracking and user identification only


  • JavaScript snippet: All client libraries support event tracking and user identification for product analytics, but we recommend using PostHog's JavaScript snippet to enjoy all our features. See our client library documentation for more information.

  • Mobile app session replays: We don't currently support session recording in mobile apps, but it's currently under consideration as a project for our team. See our public roadmap for more info.

  • Unity: We don't have a Unity SDK yet but, as we're open-source, anyone can create one. See our contribution guidelines for more info.

Server libraries

Some PostHog features, such as session replays and autocapture, are only available via our client-side libraries.

MixpanelPostHogNotes for PostHog
Node.jsSupports events, feature flags, user ID, and group analytics
GoSupports events, feature flags, user ID, and group analytics
PythonSupports events, feature flags, user ID, and group analytics
RustAlphaUnder development, not recommended for production
JavaBetaSupport events and user ID
PHPSupports events, feature flags, user ID, and group analytics
RubySupports events, feature flags, user ID, and group analytics
ElixirCommunity maintained


Mixpanel claims over 50 official integrations covering a wide-range of use cases. Given its focus on product analytics alone, many of these integrations connect to third-party tools for A/B testing, feature flag, and marketing use cases.

The PostHog App Store has over 50 apps as well, though not all of these are integrations with external tools. Some are apps that modify data flows or add components to your frontend. PostHog doesn't natively connect with A/B testing or feature flag tools as these features are built into PostHog itself.


Data Export


Export API

Export data via API

Amazon Redshift

Export data to Redshift

Amazon S3

Export data to S3 bucket

Azure Blob Storage

Export data to Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud Storage

Export data to GCS


Export data to Snowflake database


Export data to Google BigQuery for analysis


Sync event and person data


Extract and load data to external platforms


Extract and load data to external platforms

Data Import


Import API

API for importing data

Amazon Redshift

Import data from Redshift for analysis

Amazon S3

Ingest data from S3 bucket for analysis

Google Cloud Storage

Ingest data from GCS bucket for analysis

Google Pub/Sub

Import events from Pub/Sub topics


Import Snowflake data for analysis


Ingest events from behavioral data platform


Ingest events tracked in Segment


Ingest events tracked in RudderStack


Reverse ETL data to multiple platforms


Reverse ETL data to multiple platforms

Dev tools & support

As an open source platform designed for technical teams, PostHog integrates with numerous developer tools and platforms. This isn't an area of strong support for Mixpanel.


BitBucket Release Tracker

Track impact of releases in analytics

GitHub Release Tracker

Track impact of releases in analytics

GitHub Star Sync

Track GitHub star growth

GitLab Release Tracker

Track impact of releases in analytics


Connect errors to individual users


Build internal tools using your usage data


Track tickets as events, add context to tickets

Marketing & sales

Both platforms integrate with a wide-range of sales and marketing tools to support automation flows and user data synchronization.

Mixpanel has a specific advantage in connecting to Google and Facebook's advertising platforms directly, enabling in-product tracking of campaign ROI.

It's easy to track marketing conversions in PostHog, but you can't currently connect that directly to campaign spending data.


Sync data and trigger workflows in


Sync customer data to and from Hubspot


Automate onboarding and retention messaging


Identify enterprise sales leads


Sync customer data to and from Salesforce


Automate email workflows


Track Twitter follower growth


Define PQLs with real analytics data

Facebook Ads

Track Facebook ad ROI

Google Ads

Track Google ad ROI


Automate marketing emails


Automate your product comms

Alerts & automation

Mixpanel and PostHog both support popular messaging apps and automation platforms, though PostHog also supports Discord and the open-source Zapier alternative, n8n.



Send alerts and reports to Slack


Send alerts and reports to Discord

Microsoft Teams

Send alerts and reports to Teams


Open source workflow automation


Automate SMS alerts on events


Automate workflows on events

Privacy, admin & security

Privacy compliance


GDPR compliant

EU hosting or data residency available

HIPAA compliant

Business Associate Agreement available

Self-host only

Data anonymization

Remove personally identifiable information

Self-hosting option

Self-host and keep complete control of your data

Cookieless tracking option

Use analytics without cookie consent banners

  • Self-hosting: While we recommend most customers use PostHog Cloud, PostHog can be self-hosted on your own infrastructure so you keep control of all your data. This is useful for businesses that handle highly sensitive information, such as defense or health data, but it is more expensive than using PostHog Cloud. See: Who should self-host PostHog?

  • HIPAA compliance: Mixpanel will sign a Business Associate Agreement if you require HIPAA compliance. At PostHog, we recommend self-hosting PostHog if you require HIPAA compliance. This ensures all sensitive data never leaves your infrastructure, giving you complete control and simplifying compliance processes.

  • Cookie-less tracking: If you'd rather not serve annoying cookie banners to your users, PostHog can be configured to store data in memory so it doesn't persist beyond a single session. See: How to use PostHog without cookie banners. Note: some types of user analysis aren't possible with this method.

Admin & security


SOC 2 certification

Externally audited security


Organization single sign-on


Access levels

Assign access levels to team members

Multiple organizations

Create orgs for all your internal teams

Multiple projects

Track multiple products and domains

Private projects

Create hidden projects with user permissions

  • PostHog Enterprise: Our Enterprise tier includes single sign-on, private projects, and a dedicated Slack support channel.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to deploy PostHog?

Deploying PostHog Cloud takes mere minutes. All you need to do is include a tracking snippet in your product or website and (thanks to autocapture) you're immediately capturing events. Once up and running, you can enable session recording via your project settings.

See our guide to getting started on PostHog Cloud for more info.

How long does it take to deploy Mixpanel?

Integrating Mixpanel is simple enough – you can embed its snippet within <head> or install via package manager – but the lack of autocapture means you need to invest time and resources to instrument events manually before you can start creating insights.

Does PostHog use cookies?

Yes, PostHog (like Mixpanel) uses cookies. Cookies are necessary to enable common use cases, such as cross-domain tracking and tracking returning visitors.

It is possible, however, to configure PostHog to track users without requiring without cookie banners by storing cookies in memory so it doesn't persist beyond an individual session.

Both Mixpanel and PostHog also support anonymizing data, while the PostHog Property Filter app allows you to limit the types of information collected to protect user privacy.

How much does PostHog cost?

We believe in transparent pricing, which is why our pricing page includes an easy-to-understand pricing calculator.

PostHog Cloud includes a generous 1 million events and 15,000 session replays per month for free, every month with no feature limitations.

A typical, medium-size B2B product with 10,000 monthly active users, who generate:

  • 100 events each per month
  • 5 sessions each per month

Would use:

  • 1 million events per month
  • 50,000 session replays

Discounts for annual contracts are available on application.

How much does Mixpanel cost?

Mixpanel prices based on "Monthly Track Users" (MTUs) and applies a limit of 1,000 events per MTU. A company with 10,000 MTUs would pay $190 per month, or £133 per month if you pay annually.

Mixpanel also offers a free tier with a 100k MTU limit, however it applies numerous feature limits – e.g. you can create but not save cohorts.

How do PostHog and Mixpanel compare to Amplitude?

Amplitude is closer to Mixpanel than PostHog – it doesn't support features session replays or feature flagging, and doesn't offer autocapture. Read our PostHog vs Amplitude comparison for information.

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