Diagnosing ClickHouse load using ClickHouse

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One of the more powerful features of ClickHouse is its introspective capabilities. This can be easily leveraged to understand where load on our multi-tenant clickhouse servers is coming from.

Show me the queries:

The following query gives an at-a-glance overview of what is generating load on the cluster:

toDateTime(now()) as target_time,
toIntervalDay(3) as interval,
SELECT sum(read_bytes)
from clusterAllReplicas('posthog', system,query_log)
where event_time >= target_time - interval and event_time <= target_time and type > 1 and is_initial_query
) AS total_bytes_read
http_user_agent = 'Apache-HttpClient/4.5.13 (Java/11.0.17)', 'Metabase?',
http_user_agent = 'Go-http-client/1.1', 'Grafana?',
http_user_agent = 'python-requests/2.28.1', 'infi_orm',
http_user_agent != '', http_user_agent,
query = 'SELECT version()', 'version_query',
JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'kind') = 'request' and JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'route_id') IN ('api/event/?$', 'api/projects/(?P<parent_lookup_team_id>[^/.]+)/events/?$'), '/api/event',
log_comment != '', JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'kind'),
query_kind = 'Insert',
query LIKE '%FORMAT JSON%' or (not is_initial_query and query like '%`elements_chain` FROM `posthog`.`sharded_events%') or (query like '%min(`_timestamp`) AS `min`, max(`_timestamp`)%'), 'historical-exports',
) as query_type,
formatReadableSize(sum(read_bytes)) AS read_bytes_,
sum(read_bytes) / total_bytes_read AS read_bytes_percentage,
formatReadableSize(sum(result_bytes)) AS result_bytes_,
arraySort(arrayDistinct(groupArray(getMacro('replica')))) as hosts
from clusterAllReplicas('posthog', system, query_log)
where event_time >= target_time - interval and event_time <= target_time and type > 1 and is_initial_query
group by query_type
order by sum(query_duration_ms) DESC


To diagnose further, it's important to understand ClickHouse operations.

Useful dimensions to slice the data on:

  • query_duration_ms - How long the query took
  • formatReadableSize(read_bytes) - Total number of bytes read from all tables and table functions participated in query.
  • formatReadableSize(memory_usage) - Memory usage of this query.
  • formatReadableSize(result_bytes) - How big was the response for this query. Useful for not is_initial_query to determine if too much data streaming is going on.
  • ProfileEvents['OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds']) - How much time was spent by the CPU
  • ProfileEvents['ReadCompressedBytes']) - How much data was read from disk (compressed)
  • ProfileEvents['NetworkSendElapsedMicroseconds']) - How much time was spent sending data over network
  • ProfileEvents['NetworkReceiveBytes']) - How much time was spent reading data over network
  • ProfileEvents['NetworkSendBytes']) - How much data was sent over the network

Full list of all valid measurements can be found in ClickHouse source code.

Other useful expressions:

  • is_initial_query - indicates whether this was a main query or pushed down from coordinator. Note log_comment is also forwarded.
  • any(log_comment) - shows the structure of the log comment
  • getMacro('replica') - What replica was this on?
  • getMacro('shard') - What shard was this query made on?
  • getMacro('hostClusterType') - What cluster was this on? Online or offline?


We make use of the log_comment column quite extensively to add metadata to queries in order to make analysis simpler.

log_comment is set by specifying the log_comment setting when running a query. It then populates in the column with the same name on the query log table.

Some useful things you'll find in log_comment include:

  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'kind') - What is the query from? Either celery or request
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'query_type') - Type of query e.g. trends_total_volume or funnel_conversion
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'id') - Request path or task name (depending on kind)
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'route_id') - what geberic route id was responsible for the query (only set for kind=request)
  • JSONExtractInt(log_comment, 'user_id') - user_id
  • JSONExtractInt(log_comment, 'team_id') - team_id
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'access_method') - What access method was used? Blank indicates it's normal web traffic (only set for kind=request)
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'http_referer') - HTTP referer (only set for kind=request)
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'http_user_agent') - HTTP user agent (only set for kind=request)
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'container_hostname') - Kubernetes pod where the query was initiated from
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'workload') - Either WORKLOAD.ONLINE or WORKLOAD.OFFLINE. This determines which node on the shard we prefer to send the query to
  • JSONExtractString(JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'query_settings'), '<setting_name>') - Any settings passed along with the query can be found within the query_settings object. To get the value for a specific setting, you need to call JSONExtractX twice.
  • JSONExtractString(log_comment, 'filter') - The Filter object for an insight. You'll need to use array functions and JSONExtract functions in order to access deeply nested filter data


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Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. At PostHog we mainly use it to stream events from our ingestion pipeline to ClickHouse. Dictionary broker : a cluster is built by one or more servers. The servers forming the storage layer are called brokers event : an event records the fact that "something happened" in the world or in…

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